a public transit story for riders of all ages

Once upon a time, in New York City,
the trains used to run high up in the sky.

But there was a problem. . .

left: subway tunnel construction methods - legacy (cut-and-cover, $) vs. modern (deep boring, $$$$)
right: bureaucratic structure of NYC subway governance

EMSCREAS is a public-private partnership created to expand subway access. Leveraging a nuanced interpretation of existing transfer of development rights (TDR) protocols, paired with an innovative mobile construction shed offering numerous and variable amenities to local communities, new subway tunnels are built in a fraction of the time it takes currently and at no cost to the city, while also stimulating development along transit corridors.

study models of mechanical components for mobilizing and concealing construction shed

Yale School of Architecture, Spring 2019
critic: Aniket Shahane
partner: David Schaengold